Thursday, November 28, 2013

A walk through 9 months.

I WILL BE EXPECTING BABY NEXT SPRING..... Waooo that’s what i was told by one of my friend yesterday. The mere news was so exciting for me that i just couldn’t stop myself from writing something on this so very important phase of a woman's life. Pregnancy is one phase where you see transformation physically, emotionally and mentally. The last two departments respectively, leave for your husbands and psychologists. I would like to write something related to my knowledge. As i just said there are many physical changes in our body over the 270 days of our pregnancy, it becomes important to understand the bodily changes. You must have heard that phrase- “Eat for two".... please ladies don't go on the literal meaning, the idea is little different. From the day you begin your countdown over nine months, nutrition, exercise and positive environment are the three basic elements that you need to focus on. Nutrition in pregnancy means replenishing more protein, calcium, iron and folic acid apart from the basic need through diet and supplements. Foods like whole milk, eggs, curd, cottage cheese, green leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits are a must. Try to include nuts like almonds and walnuts in your diet, I bet on it, everybody wants their child to be another Einstein. As the pregnancy advances the requirements of these nutrients increases, easy to understand…. Your baby grows your need for more nutrition grows. So, that’s the idea behind eat for two phrase. Exercise here does not comply with heavy push-ups and all, but yoga and light exercises under guidance will do wonders for both you and your precious little one. A simple stroll in the evening will help you a lot, ask your husbands to join as well. In the end a simple tip…. Try to be happy and open yourself to reading a lot of articles; that in the end always help you to answer your questions. Go out on baby-moon and enjoy this phase.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

After a long hectic week for my husband and of course me ( at least I was giving him moral support)... It's a THANKSGIVING week next on cards. It will be fun time with family and friends. But what I was wondering, with lot of fun and food there will be lot of  calories I will be counting on myself... Whfffff....but a little mind game and knowledge of healthy tips will wipe your worries.

Of course I am not giving idea of skipping the party... After all it's once in a year...the whole idea is how you become your own guide and choose the right way of enjoying. We start with if you are a host and playing with the guest list and invitations. It will be advisable to spend little more time thinking of some new innovative dishes for the party. There are few tips that will help you guard your intake of calories and at the same time allow you to splurge in the festive mood. 

Don't deviate from the rule of having small and frequent meals. This goes straight for those who plan to skip their breakfast in order to gauge on the dinner table.  In that case you will  end up eating more to fill in the empty pot. 

Next rule is to watch your spoon size. Eat slowly and chew well. Avoid to jump on to the second serving, this will help you to have the best taste of the served food along with eating just the right amount.

Start exploring the dinner layout with the salads first. They are your best friend as they will help you and will not hurt you. As a host of the night, have more options in salads along with some interesting dips. 
How can we not talk about the masterpiece of the party.....TURKEY.... Don't let it fly off. Use the best cooking method, bake it  with good vegetable and fruit filling. That will add on an extra taste with health in each single bite... Yummy.

Even after such easy tips you happen to indulge in overrating.... Put on your track suit and go for a nice jog. But for the time being, happy thanksgiving to all. Eat wisely, live nicely. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Before actually getting started, I will just put some questions to be answered.

- Do  you believe in exercising daily or at least three times a week, focusing on 30 min cardio.
- You start your day by not skipping your main meal, I.e. Breakfast.
- Do you abide by the law of.. eating small and frequently.
- Water is vital... Think about your intake of water... Approximately 3 liters.

If  all your answers are positive and put you in a safe zone, then probably this article will act as a boost to your lifestyle habits. But all of you out there, who are not sure of the answers, it's time for you to pull up your socks. 

The first thing to actually understand is that If you love yourself then management of time is no big deal for you. Just like a baby plant need care and optimal surrounding to become a mature tree; similarly your health needs a combination of  healthy food, sufficient exercise and positive attitude. 

Ok... Wait just don't go around pushing yourself to indulge in crash diets or heavy vigorous exercises. There is always a right way to move on. The idea of optimal health is to indulge in a healthy lifestyle, choosing nutritious food over foods that are fast enough to put on those extra flags on you, pushing yourself out of your cozy bed and indulging in exercises that interest you. But this is not all, every body talks about nutritious food and optimal exercise but the holistic health is something that one can achieve with a change in attitude. If you change your attitude towards your health, probably you will move an extra step towards attaining..... What we are talking about.... OPTIMAL HEALTH .

So, don't think let's get started, it's just a signal to gather yourself and boost up yourself. There is more to come. So, move your fingers on your keyboard and look for more.