Having a nutrition background, call it as my "responsibility" or my " interest".... whenever I go out for the so called pantry shopping, what I first put my eyes on.... is the beautiful packaging of the product.
Hold on.... I am not going into the aesthetic part but actually talking about the nutritional information printed on the packet. Today when you are flooded with infinite amount of information related to food and optimal health.... it becomes important to get the sensible information from all the nonsense out there.
Nutrition being such a vast topic to debate on.... we can just touch upon few things that come to our mind. For example.... talking about the fruit juices which are flooding the market nowadays. Now, the companies have to say a "lot" for the sake of marketing the product.... but as smart customers we have to analyze what is good for us.
" They".... I mean the manufacturers.... portray their product as being a "super hero"... giving you the required vitamins and minerals.... but people take this as a wake up call and analyze carefully.... have we ever wondered about the amount of sugar content that we gulp in along with that glass of juice.... I guess no because we are counting on those vitamins and minerals..... on the contrary if we grab a fruit in that place we actually are getting the right amount of nutrients and correct amount of natural fruit sugar. Thus doesn't mean that juices are completely" no"... but making them a regular item in your diet is not the right move.
This is just a part we talked about.... There is much more than just it... it is not easy to get the real information....cause it is like finding a needle in the bundle of hay....
We always go for the simple things.... that goes for our food also but we should remember that it not so.... there are no geese that lay golden eggs...